Feld's Digital Applications Classes

Monday, September 07, 2009

Digital Applications Classes 2009-2010

Welcome Class! First you will learn generalities about Digital Technology (What is Digital?) and the iLife Suite of products (iLife applications): iTunes, iPhoto, iMovie, iDVD and GarageBand. You will learn to download, organize, edit, and share digital photos using iPhoto; while creating albums, books, and slide shows - we will use the iLife 06 Textbook. We will also learn: What are pixels? What are file formats? How can we use the iLife applications to manipulate digital media? What can we do with these programs? Be patient! You have to learn the essentials. The faster you learn the faster we can work on interesting projects and fun hands-on activities.

Then, you will start working with each iLife application more extensively, following exercises and learning how each one works and how we can integrate all of them when we are creating digital media projects.

The first program that you will learn is iPhoto. COPY THIS DEFINITION: iPhoto is the photo software. iPhoto makes it easy to download, organize, edit, and share digital photos; allowing you to create your own Albums, Books, Slide Shows, Web pages and Movies. You can store and organize photos for use in your digital movies. iPhoto is organized much like iTunes; on the left side of the screen (window) are the "sources" - a Photo Library and a bunch of Albums. With iPhoto you can automatically import content from your digital camera - which is copied onto your hard disk and organized in your Library - and you can print photos. You can select music from iTunes to accompany a slide show (the program connects automatically to your playlist in iTunes.) iPhoto can play one song or an entire iTunes playlist to accompany a slide show. You can also add motion to your still photos in iPhoto using the "Ken Burns Effect."

Similarities between iTunes and iPhoto:

- The screen or window is organized in the same way. Left column for “sources”.

- Both programs have Smart Albums/Playlists.

- Both let you make your own Albums/Playlists by dragging songs/photos from the Library.

- Both allow you to share songs/photos with other Mac users in your local network.

- Both essentially organize your digital content.

- Both programs show up in other iLife applications.

So, you will learn to download, organize, edit, and share digital photos; you will be able to create your own albums, books, slide shows, web pages and movies. You can also store and organize photos for use in your digital movies (using iMovie). You will also learn to select music from iTunes to accompany a slide show and to create special sound and visual effects.

We will start with page 58 in the iLife 06 Textbook: "Getting familiar with iPhoto." Read pages 58 and 59 (skipping for now "Importing From a Camera") - please try to understand what you are reading; if you have any questions, please ask Mrs. Feld. Then, go to page 61 and read "Prepare for the Lesson." You can find the iPhoto application in the Finder under Applications. You will download the entire folder called L2.Student roll 1 into your open iPhoto window. iPhoto will automatically start importing the folder of photos. Continue reading the whole chapter to page 70 and follow the book instructions.

Copy the following questions and answers in your notes:

1. How do you import pictures into iPhoto from a folder on your computer? Just dragging the folder into the main iPhoto window.

2. Name two things you should do right after you import photos: Deleting bad images and rotating the remaining images so they're properly oriented.


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