- Select a couple of pictures of Arabesques and create your own brushes (custom brushes).
- You can use the Arabesque images in iLife06 (there are some psd’s with transparent backgrounds that you can use to create your brush). Remember: Go to Edit > Define Brush Preset.
- Create a New Photoshop Document 12 x 12 inches, Resolution: 100, White Background.
- Change the Background color to #301A0D (brown) – or pick another color of your choice. Then, add Noise (go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise and move the slider to 7% under Amount, select Uniform under Distribution and click the Monochromatic box). Click OK.
- Select the brush you created (Arabesque Brush 1) and add on a separate transparent background – color #dfa149 (or white or other). Add blending options; you could add a Pattern Overlay, select Metal Landscape pattern, opacity 55% and Blend Mode of choice (Normal, or Soft Light, or Pin Light, or Overlay or other). Click OK.
- Add the other Arabesque Brush to your image, opacity: 50%. Get creative, you can add more than one design, change the Blending Options, change the opacity, etc. Ask Mrs. Feld, if you have any questions.
- Create a black frame on a separate transparent layer. Suggestion: Using the Rectangular Marquee tool, select the area where you want your frame to end. Then go to Select > Inverse. With the Paint Bucket tool add black color between the intermittent lines (frame). Then go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise (same as above).
- Deselect. You can add more designs, or images, or brushes to your design. If you add a flower or butterfly or other brush on the same layer with the Pattern Overlay blending option, the same pattern will show on your document, check it out!
- Check Window > Brushes and change the options to your liking.
- Get Creative! (Add this exercise to your Fourth Quarter Exercises).
Check: for more ideas.
Your main project this quarter will be your FINAL Movie Project. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask Mrs. Feld. You won't have a Final Exam. You can check the Fourth Quarter Folder to read about this project. You have three choices: 1) Work in a group of 2 or 3 students and create a Movie/Video or Movie/Slideshow about a Public Awareness issue; 2) Work in a group of 2 or 3 students and create a Movie/Video of Movie/Slideshow about a topic of interest that you and one of your other teachers select (co-project that will count as a grade for Digital Applications and a grade for another class); 3) Your Personal Mission Statement Movie/Video/Slideshow.
If you have other ideas, feel free to share them with Mrs.Feld. You must have a one paragraph or longer typed report indicating what you are planning to do by Friday, April 13th (with the name of your group members). The Final Project is due Tuesday, May 15th, 2012.