Midterm - January 2011
2. What is a “digital system”? What does the term “digitize" mean?
3. What are “binary numbers”?
4. What are “bits,” “bytes,” “kilobytes,” “megabytes,” and “gigabytes”?
5. What is a “digital camera”? What are the main parts of a digital camera?
6. What are “pixels”?
7. What are “bitmaps”?
8. What are “picture files”?
9. In digital technology, what is the meaning of “resolution”? Why is good resolution important?
10. What is a “megapixel”?
11. What does the word “multimegapixel” mean?
12. What are “file formats”? Name at least four and define.
13. Which are the three most popular digital file formats used in the Internet?
14. What is the name of the file format ideal for storing “photorealistic” pictures with high color definition - which is mostly used in the printing and publishing industries?
15. Which format do we use to compress digital movies and acts as a container for many different types of multimedia?
16. What is “Photoshop”?
17. What are “filters” in Photoshop? Why do you use them?
18. What are “layers” in Photoshop? Why do you use them?
19. What are “LCD” screens? What does “LCD” stand for?
20. What does it mean that computer files are “platform independent”?
21. What is “interpolation”?
22. What is “compression”? What is “lossy” compression? What is “lossless” compression?
23. How do you “desaturate” an image in Photoshop?
24. How do you “deselect” a command in Photoshop?
25. What are the following Keyboard Shortcuts? Command-Z, Command-A, Command-J, Command-U, Command-N, Command-Shift-U, Commant-T, Command-C, Command-V.
26. What does the term “pixelated” mean?
27. Mention at least six of the tools we use in Photoshop and describe them.
28. What are “Copyrights”?
29. What is “iLife”? Which applications form part of the iLife Suite of Products?
30. Define these “iLife” programs. What are they?
31. What is the “Ken Burns Effect”?
You will also have a Photoshop Exercise. Please review: how to use the different tools in Photoshop (especially the Move Tool, Rectangular and Elliptical Marquee Tool, Magnetic Lasso Tool, Crop Tool, Paint Bucket Tool, History Brush Tool, Eraser Tool - the ones we used in class), how to create a "Feathered Vignette," how to add a frame to an image (using Edit > Stroke), how to change the color of an image (using Hue/Saturation), how to change the Brightness/Contrast of an image, how to add filters, how to desaturate, how to duplicate layers, how to add an image to a picture or new document. Basically, review how you created the exercises of the First and Second Quarter.
Please check the MIDTERM folder in iLife06 in the Server to review the information that will be included in your exam. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask Mrs. Feld.
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